40 Christmases
I am going to take a break from the “My Story” posts for the Christmas season. They will be back next year. But, before I hit an official pause to celebrate this time and really take time to ruminate over all that Christ has done in my life and all that it means that he came to earth, I thought I would make a list, reminiscing over my past but also celebrating the present, on my 40 favorite things about Christmas. Seeing as how this will be my 40th! Some will be meaningful, others just for fun.
I love studying the meaning of numbers from scripture, and it was amazing to me to see that 40 signifies trials or testing. During the flood it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, the Israelites wandered for 40 years in the desert, and I could go on (see my link for more instances and explanation)! As I turn 40 next year I will be entering my 41st year. I can’t help but wonder if it will be some sort of turning point. I know that trials will never leave us, but I feel like I am at a point in my journey of learning who God is, who he made me to be, and that I may just be on to leaving some of my old fears, insecurities and ways behind.
But here goes, my top 40 Christmas list.
- As a child, searching for the best lights with my dad and little sisters, usually my mom too, driving around all of Atlanta and outskirt neighborhoods he knew while listening to Christmas music on the radio.
- Going out to my grandfather’s cold garage office and turning the dial to 94.9, The Peach, every year after Thanksgiving, where I would wait in anticipation for my favorite “secular” Christmas song to come on- “Last Christmas” by Wham!
- The smell of a fresh tree and sticky fingers from the sap while setting it up and putting on ornaments.
- Warm fires and candlelight.
- Family and togetherness, even when I was an angsty teenager it felt good to have a tribe, that while you may doubt how much they like you for you, you never doubt their love.
- The Rich’s tree and downtown Atlanta shopping. I was born at the end of an era y’all. Atlanta still somewhat resembled the cities of black and white Christmas movies, my great-grandmother still dined at department store dining rooms and going there and being so small in a place so big made it feel all the more like I was special.
- Church Christmas productions. For a kid who loved to be on stage, the highlight of my year was a play where it was all about love and singing and acting and praising Jesus, even in my limited view of what that meant.
- Christmas Eve services.
- Oh Holy Night.
- My dad’s breakfasts. They’re infamous. It’s like a box of chocolates….ya never know what you’re going to get! He has tried some interesting recipes over the years….stuffed crescent roll French toast anyone???
- My kids singing Christmas songs, even my eight year old Levi under his breath like he is too cool but can’t help himself.
- My oldest Gemma’s homemade presents. She is so thoughtful.
- My sisters (after I had moved out) forgot my mom‘s stocking one year. So, after running to the gas station to fill it up my mom’s stocking now has to include THESE!
- Downtown Lawrenceville Christmas Tree lighting.
- Getting to BE the parent that sets up the presents and hangs the stockings and see the joy on the kids’ faces.
- At the same time, teaching my kids giving is better than receiving and the REAL meaning of the Advent season.
- Cheesy Christmas movies.
- Home Alone 2. The best Home Alone hands down. My family’s must watch Christmas movie is Elf, but mine is this one, no question.
- Baking Christmas cookies.
- Eating Christmas cookies.
- My mom’s house. It is always so warm and cozy, and if you love snowmen decor you’ll feel right at home.
- GOOD eggnog- I am not talking about the store bought stuff, I am talking about these passed down for generations recipes that some of y’all have and are nice enough to share when I come to your houses….they may or may not have a little something something added to them. 🙂
- Christmas caroling. It’s been a while but it’s still fun.
- My stepmom’s hashbrown casserole, when she blesses us with it. My kids always want to know if every hash brown casserole is going to be like Oma’s, and usually the answer is sadly “no.”
- The way my youngest Phoebe delights in finding our elf Lucy, even though we wish we had never started the tradition, it will live on a couple more years because of her childlike wonder.
- Cold Christmases. There is nothing better than NOT feeling like you are in the tropics on Christmas.
- My husband’s family Christmas. I have been blessed to be welcomed into their Polish Catholic traditions, and I must say they are all just lovely. Pierogi? Yes, please.
- The smell of Cinnabon in the mall and shopping among the lights and decorations for the ones you love the most.
- Sitting at home in house shoes shopping for the other ones you love the most because 4 hours at the mall was your quota and you only bought for 3 people.
- Advent. The anticipation. The countdown.
- Making my kids hot cocoa and taking them to see Christmas light displays.
- Wearing Christmas attire. Since when is a Christmas sweater deemed ugly??
- God always shows up. There is always some miracle, big or small, in our own lives that is evidenced through the joy and season of Christmas.
- The generosity of others. The ability to be generous.
- When people express their thankfulness, for me, for life, for others. It’s an encouragement and a beautiful thing to witness.
- Waffle House on Christmas Day.
- NOT getting ready on Christmas Day (staying in PJs).
- Friends who are like family that I get to celebrate with. I am blessed.
- Jesus. Born in a manger. The virgin birth. A miracle that was set up to change the way they think, the way we perceive God, and ourselves.
- THE WORD MADE FLESH. How, why, it is all such a beautiful mystery in so many ways.
Until next year, my friends. Have a very, very Merry Christmas. As you celebrate Advent, the savior come to earth, take time to reflect on all the ways He has been made real in your life. As you go into the new year do so in a way that anticipates all that He will still do, in you and through you! Much love!!!!

I love this!!! ❤️
Thank you for thinking of all those things, makes my heart smile! Love you!
You’re like no other. I’ll never forget your first Christmas and driving from Oklahoma to Louisiana to be with your Mom and you at your Grandparents house, arriving at 3:00am, and getting to be on the giving side of the Santa experience with Baby Puffalump.
And being at the bottom of the stairs on Christmas morning to let you know, once again, that Santa passed us by.
Thank you!