Kingdom Work
Kingdom work is wiping noses and blowing kisses and whispering to my kids Jesus loves them as they fall fast asleep.
Kingdom work is kindness to a stranger and encouragement for a co-worker.
Kingdom work is sitting with a friend in the darkest of circumstances and offering nothing but my time and presence and silent prayers.
Kingdom work is self-sacrificial and laying down my own ideals for whatever God is calling me to.
Kingdom work is not irksome or proud or haughty but proclaims boldly with love that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Kingdom work is the smallest of the small and the little decisions that make the difference in the lives of others.
Kingdom work is standing for truth with a heart full of love, even when the truth is unpopular and people are throwing their words like darts at a bullseye.
Kingdom work then, is eternal. Knowing no bounds it continues, day by day and hour by hour until the return of Jesus. Never forsaking others, never giving up, never quitting, because He is with us and it is His strength, not our own, that will see us through. And He that is IN US, is GREATER than he that is in the world.
Many times we need to reframe the sacred. If we are holy, set apart, then nothing that we do should be ordinary or common. It may appear that way, but we should rest assured that everything done in FAITHFULNESS is important. Steadfast. Long-suffering. Perseverance. These are some of the words that scripture uses to describe the life of a Christ follower. Yet, there is beauty and joy. I recently walked through a season where I felt the valley of the shadow of death weighing on me. I was convinced that this was just the earth and we were all destined to endure it. And while it’s true, a piece of that brokenness and fall from grace will be tangible as long as we are here pre-Second Coming, it is also true that Jesus told us we were equipped to do HIS will, on earth as it is in heaven. And so in that the Lord has been reminding me that I am meant to enjoy. EN-JOY. In Joy. As Nehemiah 8:10 reminds us ”The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Say it as a prayer- Lord, the joy you give is my strength!
We weren’t meant to trudge through any of this alone. He gives us community, his church, his bride, as full of imperfect people as it is and more than that He gives us His Spirit.
Everything we do has the ability to be Kingdom Work when reframed in the right way, and it is important. No matter the season, you were meant to enjoy it, not because of what the work itself is, but because He who strengthens you and equips you is IN you and WITH you and FOR you. So, whatever you are doing today, remind yourself- this is God’s work.