• Church,  Faith,  My Story

    Andy’s side of the church story

    We met. I am not going to get into all of the mushy details, but we started talking at a perfect time. A month earlier, or a month later, and I think things would have probably been completely different. When we met, she was my light. In a life of darkness, that, to sum it up contained an abusive upbringing, drug use, homelessness, heart stopping (3 times), guns in my face, and ended with a stab wound in my stomach, eviction, and sleeping in a gas station bathroom, she was my light.  As we began to talk, I had questions about God, because, how could someone so intelligent believe in…

  • Church,  Faith,  My Story

    My Story- Part 6

    This part of my story was a transition. It is also the time in my life that is most exciting because I met and married the man I call my husband (and he’s the best!). God definitely used him as a catalyst, which is evident in my side of our story. As I came out of my fog, or probably partially while I was still in it, I tried to relate to God in ways that made sense to me. I rejected the angry God of my youth, I didn’t think it could possibly be all about “rules” and what you don’t do. And I was right there. I couldn’t…

  • Church,  Faith,  My Story

    My Story- Part 4

    I quickly learned that having a family drama very easily parlayed into having an excuse. Where I had strived to be the “good girl,” even co-hosting advertised “alcohol free” parties and inviting friends to church, I suddenly didn’t care. Maybe I would feel better if I drank, maybe life would be easier if I didn’t have to try so hard. Maybe, after all, I didn’t really care what my parents thought. I slowly started making decisions that I would not have made before. Friends that I kept at arm’s length I suddenly made better acquaintance with. In my mind, I had every reason to drink, to party, to try to…