• Church,  My Story

    My Story- Part 7

    (I felt like churchy clipart was apropos for this post) We are all in process. Our process in the early years of marriage I will call ”just trying to figure it out.” I still had so much religion in me, I just knew that I was failing in many ways. But gosh darn it (because if you say the other word you go you know where) I was going to try to do the whole church thing! And Andy was so new in faith I think he needed to believe that this whole community of faith thing wasn’t a complete sham. There had to be some folks in it for…

  • Faith,  Life,  Theology,  Uncategorized

    Fill up

    I am writing today, not to continue my story, to delve fully in to my deconstruction process will take time I just do not have today. I will definitely be continuing next week. However, today I just wanted to pop in with a gentle reminder to all of you out there who follow Jesus. To be overflowing we have to fill up with something. Let me reiterate that one more time, to overflow we have to fill up first. What does this mean, you may ask? I am asking myself the same question. But I felt the Holy Spirit whisper something to me this morning. “I will redeem the time.”…